Smart door Locks

  • Fingerprint
  • Password
  • Mobile Application
  • Access keys
  • Remote access
  • Access cards
5/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

mart locks are commonly referred to as keyless door locks because they don't require actual keys to operate. These have locking systems that are comparable to standard conventional or deadbolt locks. The main distinction is that a smart lock has electrical parts that enable it to connect to Bluetooth, your home's Wi-Fi network. As a result, you may control it using your smartphone or other smart home appliances. Because of such innovation in these smart locks, users prefer to know more about the pros and cons of smart locks to finalize their buying decision.

  • Fingerprint: Compatible
  • Access cards: Compatible
  • Password: Compatible
  • Access key: Compatible
  • Wireless
  • Keyless entry
  • Battery Powered
  • Drilling

An Overview of Smart Locks

Smart locks are commonly referred to as keyless door locks because they don’t require actual keys to operate. These have locking systems that are comparable to standard conventional or deadbolt locks. The main distinction is that a smart lock has electrical parts that enable it to connect to Bluetooth, your home’s Wi-Fi network. As a result, you may control it using your smartphone or other smart home appliances. Because of such innovation in these smart locks, users prefer to know more about the pros and cons of smart locks to finalize their buying decision.

Depending on the design of the smart lock you select, it might have one or more of the locking techniques listed below:

  • Individual numeric codes
  • Using fingerprints
  • A digital keychain
  • Voice command
  • Smartphone app management

Today in this blog we will discuss about pros and cons of smart locks.

Advantages of Smart Locks

While discussing the pros and cons of smart locks, let’s take a look at the pros section first.

• Easy access

You won’t need to search for your keys or wiggle the key in the lock to get it to open if you have a smart lock.

• Efficiency

You can enter unique codes with expiration times for each code if you’re planning on having visitors or hiring a house sitter while you’re away from home.

• Peace of mind

With a smart lock, you can keep a watch on your home right from your smartphone. You can know the time when a person enters your home. For instance, you can know when your maid entered the home and when she left.

• Security Against Break-ins

There is less chance of a break-in because some smart locks don’t have a key slot. Also, you will get a notification on your smartphone, if someone tries to tamper with the smart lock.

Enhanced Security Features of a Smart Lock

Smart lock security systems are a huge hit amongst modern-day homeowners because of their state-of-the-art technology and smart features. These smart locks can send messages on your smartphone if anyone tries to tamper with the lock. Its built-in sensors can detect forced entry and the encrypted technology ensures safe communication between the lock and the smartphone.

Also, smart locks like Atomberg SL 1 save all the data within India and not on any Chinese app. This again enhances the security of users’ data.

Convenience and Keyless Entry

Keyless smart door locks have several benefits, one of which is their convenience. There isn’t much you can do if you lose your key with a typical lock and key. Smart locks connect to an app on your smartphone and turn it into a fingerprint door lock to unlock your door.

The absence of keys also lessens the possibility of a burglar or other crook breaking into your house. You can take full control of your home’s entrance by installing smart locks. A fantastic way to always feel safe and secure is to have complete control over who has entered your home.

Compatibility and Ecosystems of Smart Lock

When used in conjunction with other security measures, a smart lock can improve security, but it also has potential weaknesses. Before deciding whether a smart lock is appropriate, consider your security needs, level of technological comfort, and budget. Consider elements like stability, compatibility with your smart home ecosystem, and the degree of security you demand.

Smart locks make use of the Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled sensors to run keyless entry systems, like a fingerprint door lock, that let users open doors remotely using a smartphone or other internet-connected device. Smart locks allow owners to issue virtual keys to guests and allow door unlocking without a key from anywhere.

Remote Monitoring Capability

Remote monitoring, which enables you to monitor your home using a smartphone from anywhere on the globe, is one of the most recent advancements in home security. With the use of a smartphone app and a smart lock, you can lock and unlock your door from any location with an internet connection while also keeping track of how frequently your family and guests come and go.

Even if you are not physically present, you can grant access to others thanks to remote access features. You may send guests digital keys or generate temporary entry codes with only a few taps on your mobile device. These codes or keys may be time-restricted, guaranteeing that only a limited period of access is permitted.

Potential Drawbacks and Concerns of Smart Locks

Technology is wonderful when it functions properly, as people frequently and wisely acknowledge. But when things go wrong, they frequently end up questioning why they didn’t just stay with tried-and-true techniques.

Exposure to cyberattacks: As with any smart technology, hacking is a possibility. Although manufacturers of smart locks are continuously updating technology to stop this, it is still a possibility.

Technology dependency: Because they rely so much on technology, smart locks could have issues. Batteries may ultimately need to be changed, and certain smart locks’ hardware may eventually become outdated.

Higher upfront costs: Pricewise, smart technology is more expensive than the majority of conventional lock systems.

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